2021 LC Weekly Contest 230

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Contest - LeetCode 230

Q2 1774 - Closest Dessert Cost

Solution: Bruteforce with limit

BruteForce thinking, go and grab single base then go through toppings by acending order.

To avoid traversing all possible combinations, we have a diff which represents the absolute value of difference between current cost and target. If current cost exceed is smaller than target, we can continue without thinking about this, otherwise we need to stop if current cost is much greater than tracked minimal value.

Return target if current cost exactly equals to target.

class Solution:
    def closestCost(self, baseCosts: List[int], toppingCosts: List[int], target: int) -> int:
        # Need one base and 0 or n toppings to have minimize(diff(target, cost)), if multiple choose smaller cost
        # dfs?
        # bfs?
        targets = collections.deque()
        minDiff = float("inf")
        for base in baseCosts:
            targets.append(target - base)
            minDiff = min(minDiff, abs(target - base))
        # If any of base cost is greater than target
        if targets[0] < 0:
            return baseCosts[0]
        for top in toppingCosts:
            newTargets = []
            i = 0
            while i < len(targets):
                # 0
                top0 = targets[i]
                if top0 > 0:
                elif top0 == 0:
                    return target
                    if abs(top0) <= minDiff:
                        minDiff = abs(top0)

                # 1 
                top1 = targets[i] - top
                if top1 > 0:
                elif top1 == 0:
                    return target
                    if abs(top1) <= minDiff:
                        minDiff = abs(top1)
                # 2
                top2 = targets[i] - top * 2
                if top2 > 0:
                elif top2 == 0:
                    return target
                    if abs(top2) <= minDiff:
                        minDiff = abs(top2)
                i += 1
            # print(minDiff, newTargets)
            if len(newTargets) == 0:
            targets = newTargets
        # print(targets)
        targets.sort(key=lambda key: abs(key))
        return target - targets[0]

Q3 1775 - Equal Sum Arrays With Minimum Number of Operations

Solution: Greedy with min/max heap

To shrink diff between two array, we greedly change the small/large value from one of the array under the condition that it has larger effect on shrinking the difference.

from heapq import heapify, heappush, heappop
class Solution:
    def minOperations(self, nums1: List[int], nums2: List[int]) -> int:
        # [1, 6]
        # abs(sum(nums1) - sum(nums[2])) -> 0
        # Edge case
        if len(nums1) > 6 * len(nums2) or len(nums2) > 6 * len(nums1):
            return -1
        self.res = 0
        sum1 = sum(nums1)
        sum2 = sum(nums2)
        big = None
        small = None
        if sum1 > sum2:
            big = [-1 * i for i in nums1]
            small = nums2
        elif sum2 > sum1:
            big = [-1 * i for i in nums2]
            small = nums1
            return 0
        diff = abs(sum1 - sum2)
        res = 0
        canChangeBig = True
        while diff > 0:
            # print(big[0], small[0])
            if abs(-1 * big[0] - 1) >= abs(small[0] - 6) and canChangeBig:
                if big[0] == -1:
                    canChangeBig = False
                if big[0] - 1 >= diff:
                    return res + 1
                pop = -1 * heappop(big)
                #print("big: ", pop, " -> 1")
                diff -= (pop - 1)
                heappush(big, -1)
                if 6 - small[0] >= diff:
                    return res + 1
                pop = heappop(small)
                #print("small: ", pop, " -> 6")
                diff -= (6 - pop)
                heappush(small, 6)
            res += 1
        return res

Q4 1776 - Car Fleet II