2021 LC Weekly Contest 222

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Contest - LeetCode 222

Q2 1711 - Count Good Meals

Solution: HashMap

This problem is similar to two sum question Two Sum - LeetCode What we need to do is to store and count the seen values in a HashMap/Dict, then once we found the target (power of 2 minus current value) is in the map, we can increment it to our sum result.

  1. since the deliciousness is within a fixed range which is 2^20 then we can iterate each power of 2 for given deliciousness value.
  2. use bitwise operation for power of 2, 2 « x
from collections import Counter
class Solution:
    def countPairs(self, deliciousness: List[int]) -> int:
        # similar to two sum.
        res = 0
        counted = Counter()
        for d in deliciousness:
            for i in range(22):
                twoPorwer = 1 << i
                res += counted[twoPorwer - d]
            counted[d] += 1
        return res % (10**9 + 7)

Q3 1712 - Ways to Split Array Into Three Subarrays

Solution: PrefixSum + Two pointer

PrefixSum takes O(n) but save our time for compute any sum of sublist by O(1). We use i, j, k to be the variables for computing.

For finding j: prefixSum[i] * 2 == prefixSum[j] -> j+1

For finding k: prefixSum[-1] - prefixSum[i] >= (prefixSum[k] - prefixSum[i]) * 2 -> k+1

class Solution:
    def waysToSplit(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        mod = 10**9 + 7
        # prefix sum O(n)
        prefixSum = []
        curSum = 0
        for num in nums:
            curSum += num
        # i, j ,k
        # right pointer can be chosed from j ~ k
        # leftmost j: prefix[i] * 2 == prefix[j]
        # rightmost k: (prefix[-1] - prefix[i]) // 2 == prefix[k] - prefix[i]
        res = j = k = 0
        for i in range(len(nums)):
            # Find qualified [j, k)
            # j might be greater than i+1 after first for.
            # j is inclusive
            j = max(i + 1, j)
            while j < len(nums)-1 and prefixSum[i] * 2 > prefixSum[j]:
                j += 1
            # k is exclusive
            k = max(j, k)
            while k < len(nums)-1 and prefixSum[-1] - prefixSum[i] >= (prefixSum[k] - prefixSum[i]) * 2:
                k += 1
            res += (k - j)
        return res % mod

Q4 1713 - Minimum Operations to Make a Subsequence